About Me

Hi, I’m Stephen Allerton. I’m in my late 50’s and from Stoke-on-Trent, England, UK. This is my own personal WordPress blog come website, and I thought it was about time that I started my own communicating with the outside world, using my personal name as my domain, stephenallerton.com.

I’m excited to meet new people all over the world via the phenomenon of Social Media, and the buzz that writing great and interesting content gives, and then sharing is what I’m really trying to get involved with. I see social media like an adventure into the unknown, and I’m really hoping to find that enthusiasm which keeps me glued too my computer eager to post, and eager to receive some great stuff and even surprises.

I think with a personal blog that trust is there from the off where fellow bloggers ‘just know’ that this is the kind of thing I’m looking for!

I thought I would begin my posts by commenting on articles that I’ve read in national newspapers, and although those two big taboo subjects of religion and politics are generally advised to treat with caution because of controversy, I’m sure they will pop up in my posts from time to time, and I hope your content to. So please feel free to get involved , read and comment on my posts, and I’ll get back to you, and surely find some common ground stuff that’s interesting to both parties!

My interests include, Christianity (yes, I’m a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) so please feel free to contact me with any questions about my faith. I like keep fit (ran a couple of London Marathons, although twenty odd years ago now, wow! time flies. Some basic amateur photography, caravanning, and of course social media, getting out and about, a bit of bird watching and nature walking really relaxes me.

So please let me know any of your interests, and let me know of any notable achievements or not that you would like to chat about, as blogging is a great tool for this!

I work for a few charities and I’m a careperson, so any humanity stories you have please send them me. My main line of work and qualification lies in Mechanical and computer aided engineering which I did many moons ago now, but back in my Polytechnic days, sciences were always great, and my interest in astronomy and cosmology always takes me back to the big bang with a lot of questions and awe inspiring magic!

So feel free to leave a little about yourself, and as I’m only a one man show, (at the moment) hopefully our network can grow and help each other to find those answers in life that have always alluded us!

So friends, with me being new to WordPressing in this way, and help you can offer me is much appreciated, and I will try to return you the compliment.

In conclusion about me, I guess really I’m just another blogger, who can hopefully make a connection, and hopefully be here blogging away in years to come.

I hope to hear from you soon, bye for now……Stephen.





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