What actually did Jesus Christ go through during his crucifixion ?

Judas betrays Jesus with a kiss…..
He was betrayed by Judas Iscariot for thirty pieces of silver (Matt 26:14-16 KJV), and an interesting thing here is what 1 Timothy wrote…For the love of money is the root of all evil…..Grasping that great moral teaching about the evils of money and how it can corrupt the best of us, sowing that seed of greed in believers. It wasn’t long after this betrayal when the Sanhedrin came for him. Betrayed by the man who Jesus kissed on the cheek at the last supper, and another moral here is how people so close to Jesus can be a traitor deep down inside. This umbrellas into all believers in God , when weaknesses creep into our souls, sometimes knowingly, a lot of the time unknowingly.
Denied Jesus wasn’t just denied by most, he was denied by his most closest of friends.

Peter looks away as he denies Christ….
Peter denied Jesus when the woman accused him of being with Jesus, and Peter showed his denial by saying…woman I know him not…Wow! denying an innocent man in the hour of need really does make me feel like a traitor, and because of my denials I realise I need repentance more than ever now, to rid me of my shame, to rid believers of their shame. But to continually deny someone innocent and pure and good like Christ is, it’s no wonder that Peter cried bitterly when Jesus looked upon Peter, and yet Peter still denied him. What can I and my fellow believers learn form Peter’s behaviour, only that without repentance and that chance to say we’re sorry to the lord, no amount of tears that we shed could ever repair our damaged souls.
Accused So Jesus during his trial before crucifixion was accused of very many things by the chief priests of the Jews, and every time Jesus held his peace and said nothing.

Jesus falsely accused by his own people.
To be accused and ridiculed in front of the Roman authority, and yet Jesus didn’t say a word to defend himself. Every accusation was a lie, every charge was fabricated through evil, and still Jesus took every last word that they threw at him during his prosecution, and yet no reply back in defence. The truth was, no matter what Jesus would have said he knew that nothing was going to save him from crucifixion, and still those lies fell upon the ears of Pilate. Jesus Christ without doubt at this point where Mark 15:3 reads …and the chief priests accused him of many things: but he answered nothing….was certainly preparing himself as the sacrificial lamb, getting ready for the slaughter, where he was about to save mankind, even his accusers if they later would have the gall to repent and say sorry to heavenly father, and how absolutely ironic that scenario is, to be saved, to have the chance of entering into heaven, even the prosecution would have to repent, how many prosecutors did only god knows, the rest wont make it though as Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven from the Christian believers perspective…
Rejected (Luke 9:22) All believers know that Jesus Christ is the son of God, however, Peter was told to keep this fact to himself, for a while anyway. Why? well Jesus knew that between the time he was in the Garden of Gethsemane to the time of his crucifixion, he must….suffer many things….and be rejected….by his own people, knowing that shortly after his death he would be resurrected to be with our father God in heaven.

Jesus was also rejected earlier on in his ministry by his own people…….
If Peter told anybody between that time period just mentioned, somebody might have killed Jesus there and then and that definitely would have destroyed God’s plan of his son being the perfect once and for all sacrificial lamb, the final offering to God for the sins of the world. Peter, however, when he denied Christ was more to do with his fear of being killed himself, and not following Jesus’ command to ‘be quiet’ until his glory had come! To me as a disciple of Christ, I love the fact that Jesus now rests in peace, and is so very alive in my heart, like when he ministered on this planet in the Holy Land some two thousand years ago. We are in his peace as well, and what joy that brings too us.
Bound (Mark 15:1) When the high priests , elders and scribes decided to take Jesus to the governor, who was the Roman Pontius Pilate, to be tried, they didn’t just take Jesus along with them so he could move freely, but bound him then took him like he was a convicted villain. They paraded him to Pilate for all to see, like Jesus was some kind of dangerous being, capable of hurting people, like Barabbas, who was as we know a convicted thief and murderer and was set free by the people in place of Jesus Christ who hung on the cross instead. When believers in Christ see this treatment that he underwent, and knowing that he was totally innocent of any charges his accusers threw at him, I think that they may as well have bound an infant and taken a small child too be judged because at the end of the day Jesus Christ was as innocent as a little baby. This was the injustice and humiliation that the king of kings and lord of lords had to endure as his time for crucifixion and his resurrection drew ever nearer.
Scourged (John 19:1) The leaders of the Jews wanted Jesus crucified, and Pilate could not find any fault in him. He had Jesus scourged and dressed up in mocking attire in a bid to satisfy the blood thirsty mob, however, the Jewish leaders wanted Jesus crucified all the more. As Pilate sat looking at the crowd and looking at Jesus, he gave the order to lead him away to be crucified. It was nearly all over for Jesus, or in other words, very close to his entry into his father’s glory. As Jesus began to carry that rugged cross up Calvary, the pain that he suffered in order to save us believers was immense , where the nails would be soon driven into his already whipped and beaten body. Finally finishing with a spear through his side to speed up his death because of the Jews Passover getting close to starting on that day, and Jesus’ blood dripped on the wood of the cross and floor, as the final sacrificial lamb hung there dying and bleeding for the sins of the world. My personal tears can only sooth Jesus’ wounds just a little , and this is why he let’s me now stand in his shadow, because of those tears. Learning about Jesus Christ, and why not start at his crucifixation……
Mocked (Matt 27:29) ….Hail the King of the Jews….rang from the mouths of the Roman soldiers, under the orders of their governor, Pontius Pilate. The blood at this point was pouring down his face from the crown of thorns which they pressed on his head. After further humiliation and spitting at him, striking him on his head with the makeshift sceptre made of reed, they re-clothed him in his own clothes then lead him off to be crucified. This was certainly no dignified execution if there does exist such a thing, this was an act of total human degradation and inhumanity conceivable. The physical as well as mental anguish which our lord and saviour was undertaking too me was unimaginable. This was an act of murder at its most vilest, and yet at this point Jesus as he always had compassion upon his taunters and mockers and murderers. His body whipped and battered and bleeding, and yet not overdone where he couldn’t carry his own cross, so the mocking could continue even upon his final breath hanging on a cross…..
Reviled (Matt 27:39) where Jesus was terribly criticised in a very abusive and angrily insulting manner. So, as people walked past Jesus as he hung on the cross they reviled him in such a cruel way. Some of them laughing at him and telling him to come down from the cross if he was the son of god. Even the two thieves who hung on crosses either side of Jesus reviled him, heaping insults at him, as he was getting closer to meeting his maker and father in heaven. Contempt and anger spewing from their mouths, all directed out our innocent lamb Jesus Christ, and gall mixed with some pain deadener offered to Jesus , which he refused when he finally asked for water , very very close to the point of death and the start of glory. The sky became darker and darker the closer Jesus was nearing the end, and the only thing Christ felt towards the world was compassion and forgiveness.
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