Hello friends the purpose of this Christianity page is to talk about ‘The Gospel of Jesus Christ’. So my main fundamental question I would like you to first of all think about before you access this page is ‘Do you believe in God?’ If the answer is yes then your time on this page will not be wasted, after all, we all love Jesus Christ right! However, if you don’t believe in God, then my disclaimer is that you need to be aware that the Christian views may be offensive to you, so in order for my faith not to offend you, please understand that you have the option at this point not to continue!
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint News.
The following is
Ascension Day in the UK falls on Thursday 9th May 2024
Believers celebrate Ascension Day to commemorate Jesus’s victory over death and his salvation of all those who believe in him and his exultation. It marks the end of the Easter celebration.
The 40th day after Easter was the final day when Jesus was seen. On this day, he visited his disciples. This day, in which he was taken to heaven, is called Ascension Day. The day is also known as the Feast of Ascension or Holy Thursday, as it always falls on this day of the week.
The people mock Jesus Christ as he hangs on the cross…… and nowadays the mocking continues by the masses…. Wed 27th Nov 2024
See Mathew 27:37-44
Stephen talks Preparing the world for the Second Coming….2nd Oct 2024
Sid Going of The All Blacks and Latter Day Saint….
Stephen prays for the suicidal………13th June 2024
A prayer for the world from Stephen Fri 7th June 2024
Stephen wishes friends all the best with hope in Jesus Christ…Fri 17th May 2024
Hope in Christ….
When friends spread kindness….Sat 20th April 2024
Stephen closes in prayer Easter Sunday Sacrament Service…31st March 2024
Full Service…….
Good Friday with Stephen March 29th 2024
Peace and violence amongst 19th Century Latter Day Saints….19th Feb 2024
Mormon War 1838….
Stephen visits Birmingham, UK, St Phillip’s Cathedral, 22nd January 2024 part 2 of 3
St Phillips Cathedral of Birmingham, UK
Stephen visits Birmingham, UK , St Chads Cathedral, 22nd January 2024 part 3 of 3
St Chad’s Cathedral, Birmingham UK…..
The Relics of St Don Bosco ……St Chads Cathedral…….8th January 2013
St Don Bosco……
Stephen at the Temple in Chorley then a day in Blackpool………30th Nov 2023 PART 1 of 3
Temple Chorley Lancashire…..
Smile only with the love of Jesus ©2012 by Stephen
Remembrance Sunday 12th November 2023…with Stephen
Tell me the stories of Jesus… This is the version I sang at junior school and what a beautiful version this one is.
And as an adult we are all children of God, just like the children sitting around the feet of Jesus, listening to every word he says, with eyes wide open, knowing that God is so very very near. Radiating his love for you. And for sure his blessing would rest on us because he loves us so much. With words full of kindness and deeds full of grace where all of us are surrounded by the love light that Jesus can’t help to give all that look at him, his beautiful kind eyes and smile. And as Jesus walks into Jerusalem not on foot but riding the one year old colt of a donkey, we can only follow our king, waving palm branches and singing our praises and hosannas. Jesus makes his grand entrance into the city on a donkey to fulfil the prophesy of Zechariah who said “Tell the city of Zion, Look, your King is coming to you! He is humble and rides on a donkey and on a colt, the foal of a donkey”. The crowds throw palm branches and put blankets on the road before Jesus,and our lord and saviour was showing his little children that he was solemnly entering as a humble King of peace. And this was in fact the last week of Jesus’ life. Entering his final resting place not as a conquering king riding on a horse but as a humble king of peace riding a little donkey….. And we follow our beautiful saviour….. Amen
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ…….by Stephen 30th Sept 2023
I am the Vine and You are the branches by Stephen…..23rd Sept 2023
Sermon on the Mount by Stephen…..16th Sept 2023
The Sermon on the Mount……
The Ten Virgins by Stephen….12th September 2023
The Ten Virgins and the importance of being prepared for the second coming of Jesus Christ
The Good Samaritan with Stephen.…16th Aug 2023
Stephen commentates on Jesus calming the storm….13th Aug 2023
It is impossible to be a lonely Christian……
Jesus’ Eternal Friendship…….
The Lord’s Prayer….what a prayer!
Stephen talks the Sabbath from Gospel Principles….26th Aug 2022
Stephen, Testimonies and the Holy Spirit….11th Aug 2022
Stephen talks about the significance of God, clouds, pillars of fire in Exodus 40…..
Just writing a few words about Jesus…….because some people do want to hear…..
I love this type of approach, when I just write down the feelings I have for Christ and his father God in heaven, and waiting for some inspiration or revelation to slip through onto these lines, and thinking shall I centre this writing on a theme or just write what’s on my mind without doing any research or anything is the true way to ‘give one’s testimony’……a woman recently said too me that Christianity is fine until people start to force God upon them….. which stopped me in my tracks, as the way she said those words just oozed with trying to deliberately with intent, try to hurt and upset any one who tried to ‘sell her’ something she didn’t want, the type of person who can lead you on to believe that they support something, only to quickly find out that something isn’t quite right with this person, and her belief in Christ in her past was something to do with her inner issues at her present time in her life. Wow! how easy it now is for me to just switch off, and in fact protect my lord and saviour from such people with venom in their bellies!
The good citizen, who are very respectful and give you their full ‘listening selves’ ie a mirror image of Jesus Christ and yourself as you try to emulate him, are very hard to come by, and as I have now crossed over the brow of life’s hill on the other side of fifty, how quickly I can pick up on people’s discontent, as I speak my truth, with no arrogance or selfishness…….
So when one becomes discontent in life for whatever reason then let’s ponder the following question:-
Easter this time subdued me with love…..
Easter……… 2022
This year Easter was very special to me. I decided to speak a little about it, after it had finished, and the world in which we live in just continues in its forever ‘rat at tat tat’ way. The above Hymn I would love to share with you and just briefly talk about ‘… I know that my redeemer lives….. And the words that I put down here seem so in the shadows in comparison of the feelings of love I have for our Lord and Saviour.
He lives…… and that repeating phrase or theme throughout the Hymn really does pulse that ‘love of Jesus’ through my veins in a way that one cannot describe fully with words alone…. without Jesus, wow! that bleakness, that void that would swallow me up, that indifference to ‘heaven’, that frozen soul devoid of love eternal, just reminds me of Jesus’ pleadings and heartbreak and agony he underwent in the Garden of Gethsemane, that ‘tear’ which would well up on one’s deathbed, and just remain cradled in the eyes corner, forever alone!
And of course ‘I know that my redeemer lives’ with those lovely and si true lyrics… which ones can I use, they are all so beautiful that come from Christ : how about ‘he lives all blessings to impart…. after all, wow! someone like me, being privileged is an understatement, to receive’ BLESSINGS ‘ from my lord and saviour, me a sinner, knowing what my God went through in those last hours, and was that me with my head in hands at the back of the crowd ‘witnessing ‘…. weeping even like his mother Mary on her knees at the foot of the Cross.
And when all is said and done, I still know that my redeemer lives. Oh yes! that is for sure, that is definitely for sure.
He lives and loves me too the end. I still can’t believe how so fortunate and lucky I am ; to be loved by God forever, and again these words seem so insignificant in comparison to those feelings of love that I feel for my ‘redeemer’…..
Oh, sweet the joy this sentence gives:
“I know that my Redeemer lives!”…….. so friends, after the remembrances and celebrations finished some days ago now, I just felt inclined to express my love for Jesus now when everything is quiet, the stone is rolled away from the sepulchre, resurrection and Christ is now with our father God in heaven, and one thing I know absolutely for sure ‘I know that my redeemer lives’….. x
I Know That My Redeemer Lives
1. I know that my Redeemer lives.
What comfort this sweet sentence gives!
He lives, he lives, who once was dead.
He lives, my ever-living Head.
He lives to bless me with his love.
He lives to plead for me above.
He lives my hungry soul to feed.
He lives to bless in time of need.
2. He lives to grant me rich supply.
He lives to guide me with his eye.
He lives to comfort me when faint.
He lives to hear my soul’s complaint.
He lives to silence all my fears.
He lives to wipe away my tears.
He lives to calm my troubled heart.
He lives all blessings to impart.
3. He lives, my kind, wise heav’nly Friend.
He lives and loves me to the end.
He lives, and while he lives, I’ll sing.
He lives, my Prophet, Priest, and King.
He lives and grants me daily breath.
He lives, and I shall conquer death.
He lives my mansion to prepare.
He lives to bring me safely there.
4. He lives! All glory to his name!
He lives, my Savior, still the same.
Oh, sweet the joy this sentence gives:
“I know that my Redeemer lives!”
He lives! All glory to his name!
He lives, my Savior, still the same.
Oh, sweet the joy this sentence gives:
“I know that my Redeemer lives!”
Text: Samuel Medley, 1738–1799
Music: Lewis D. Edwards, 1858–1921
Job 19:25
Psalm 104:33–34
When I’m lonely, Jesus Christ is always there………
Prophet Russell M Nelson…….
When Religion and Faith help to calm your inner being and soul……
this was done about three or four years ago when I just started my baptised walk along the covenant pathway….
Stephen’s Spiritual thought of the day….
Today’s Bible thought…..
It’s interesting to note that many people became argumentative and anti Christ when they heard Paul preaching the Gospel, which is like nowadays, so he split up his disciples and moved them to places where all people still heard the Gospel….
Acts 19:10 And this continued by the space of two years; so that all they which dwelt in Asia heard the word of the Lord Jesus, both Jews and Greeks.
It’s like people of today not believing ‘the news they hear on TV’ and cursing as they hear it….
quite funny in a way, but quite frightening as well…..
Stephen on miracles and changing water to wine……
the miracle of water to wine…..
Stephen on the case of the Parable of the Unjust Judge…….Luke 18 1-10
Jesus loves you…….
Stephen talks about the Good Shepherd from the Gospel of John 10……..
Jesus Christ is the Good Shepherd……
Stephen’s Sacrament Testimony about the importance of John 3:16….Sunday March 7th 2021
Stephen’s testimony ‘the tree of life’……
Hope for Heaven with Stephen…
with faith in Jesus Christ….
Christian Unity Testimony by Stephen….01112020
Christian Unity with the love of Jesus Christ….
Calming the storm with Stephen 2018….
Stephen and what the ‘Good Word’ says about Labour…..
beasts of burden…Christians are too without Jesus in our lives….
Needy with Stephen…..
….we thank you lord for flowers and trees and sunshine. We thank you lord for each and every day…..
My visit to Worcester Cathedral May 2019…
Worcester Cathedral….
Stephen’s intercession testimony….
Behold the Man with Stephen
more alive than ever….
Jesus Will Strengthen me by Stephen for Families
Jesus loves you and your family……
The Plan of Happiness cont’d The Creation
The Plan of Happiness The Creation
The Plan of Happiness cont’d Pre-mortal Life by bro Stephen Allerton
pre-mortal life (what life was like for us before we were born) from the faith of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints…
Stephen preaches denying Christ three years before joining the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints…
The Plan of Happiness Introduction by Brother Stephen Allerton…
the plan of happiness…the church of jesus christ of latter day saints
Light the World Follow the example of Jesus Christ…
Jesus Christ Loves You…
click below too see short video….
Be cheerful, the Celestial Kingdom Beckons….

Don’t be too hard on yourself!

Hope and Suicide! based on a true encounter with death……by Hannah De Travis with views and read by Stephen Allerton.

Stephen does Christian talk today at Newcastle under Lyme chapel…….

Life after death

Debbies life after rape
Jesus says beware of false doctrines by Stephen

You are a pioneer of Jesus Christ just like Mara is!
Hello friends, the following story taken from the Friends magazine reminded me that although I never travelled on a wagon back in the early 1800s pioneer days, I am in fact the first Mormon in my family making me a Pioneer. Its a great feeling friends, and in one way or another you are pioneers of Jesus Christ too. Please read Mara’s story, and relate your pioneer story, God bless!
Mara the Pioneer
By Jessica Larsen
(Based on a true story)
The author lives in Texas, USA.
October 2018, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Illustration by Bryan Beach
Mara buttoned her skirt and looked in the mirror. It felt funny to wear church clothes on a Saturday, but this was a special Saturday. It was general conference!
“Are you excited for the women’s session?” Mak (Mom) asked. She brushed Mara’s hair with quick, gentle strokes. “I want you to try to listen as much as you can.”
“Yes! I hope they tell pioneer stories!” Mara liked those best.
“Maybe they will,” Mak said. “Did you know your dad is a pioneer?”
Mara was confused. Her dad had never ridden in a covered wagon, like the early pioneers in the Church.
“How is he a pioneer?” she asked.
Mak nodded toward the window, toward the river. “He was fishing there when he met the missionaries. He was the first one in his family to get baptized,” Mak said. “That makes him a pioneer! Now let’s go find your grandmother.”
Yiay (Grandma) was waiting for them in the front room. Mara’s family and her grandparents all lived together. Yiay helped take care of Mara after school while her parents worked. Now Yiay stood by the moped, the big motorized scooter that carried them around the city.
“The Church has only been in Cambodia for 25 years,” Mak told Mara as she opened the door and pushed the moped onto the street. “So we’re all pioneers. Even you!”
How am I a pioneer? Mara wondered as she got on the moped. Mak drove the moped, with Yiay in back and Mara in the middle. Mara held on tight as they zoomed down the crowded street.
As they passed a café, the smell of tea wafted over them. Almost everyone here drank tea. But Mara didn’t. She followed the Word of Wisdom. Mara grinned. That’s one way she was a pioneer!
As the moped turned a corner, Mara saw a wat, a Buddhist temple. The red pointed roof rose above the other buildings. Monks with shaved heads and orange robes sat studying in the courtyard.
Mara knew that most people in Cambodia were Buddhist. They didn’t believe in Jesus Christ. But Mara did. That’s another way I’m a pioneer, thought Mara. And today she would get to listen to the prophet!
As the moped turned into the church parking lot, Mara saw lots of women arriving. Some had walked or ridden mopeds. Others arrived in tuk tuks, small carriages pulled by a motorbike. Many of the women wore dresses or plain skirts, like Mara did. And some wore sampots, beautiful long skirts made of colorful patterned fabrics.
Mara, Mak, and Yiay sat down in the chapel with the other women. Conference had actually happened a whole week ago in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. Now the people in Cambodia would be able to watch the broadcast in Khmer. Mara spoke both English and Khmer at home, and she also learned French in school. Many Cambodians just spoke Khmer.
The first speaker didn’t tell any stories about pioneers. But then the second speaker told a story about walking up a steep dirt path on her way home from school. It was called the “boys’ trail,” and sometimes she would take off her shoes and walk barefoot. She wanted to do hard things so she could be like a pioneer! Mara smiled as she thought about all the ways she was a pioneer.
The last speaker was the prophet. He stood tall. Mara listened extra closely. “I invite you to read the Book of Mormon between now and the end of the year,” he said. “The heavens will open for you. The Lord will bless you.”
Mara knew it wouldn’t be easy to read the whole Book of Mormon. She looked at the women around her. All of them had chosen to follow Jesus Christ. All of them had come to listen to the prophet. She would follow the prophet, just like they did. She would be a pioneer!
When the innocent in life are sacrificed…. Stay strong with your faith.
The following is taken from Barbara A Lewis talk ‘If God loves me, why is life so hard’ Sometimes our Father allows the wicked to harm the righteous in order to justly bring punishment upon the wicked (see Alma 14:10–11). And often He allows us to experience challenges to help us grow. Lehi assured Jacob that God would “consecrate [his] afflictions for [his] gain” (2 Nephi 2:2).
Stephen says Life has to be hard to a degree I believe friends, or else if everything was easy, that carelessness would begin to manifest and encrouch onto our way of life in a way like a physically fit body slowly becoming infected with disease. We do have to endure pain like our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ did, or else how could we love him without feeling sorrow for his atoning crusifixion he endured as he hung on that cross as a payment to Heavenly Father for the crimes that we have committed both tiny and not so small ! And then we feel anguish when innocent people loose their lives, where we say but why, Jesus is our one and only sacrifice, why do more innocent people have too die. Why does God allow this to happen? And then the answer is given to us, where firstly the innocent haven’t died but are merely awaiting entry into the celestial kingdom, no more suffering as mere mortals, but feeling pure bliss and ecstacy whilst they are so close to Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father! When millions of people are dying around the world and God says, no more suffering for you my children, come close unto me now, and surely you will enter into my kingdom forever, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
If you don’t feel pain from time to time, your faith is wrong!
Job 5
17 Behold, happy is the man whom God correcteth: therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty:
18 For he maketh sore, and bindeth up: he woundeth, and his hands make whole.
Hello friends, none of us are perfect, but God wants us to be perfect, and one day surely with Jesus Christ by our sides we will enter into the celestial kingdom! As we live our mortal lives, Heavenly father knows when we are about to stray from the covenant pathway which leads us to glory. You know, that scenario where the young child thought about sinning, perhaps because his friends did, then he stepped off the pavement, off the covenant pathway so to speak, into the pathway of an oncoming vehicle. His father snatches him back to safety, shouts at him, slaps his face, then holds him close to him. Similar to the verses of scripture above, when our heavenly father chastens us for wrong doing, then puts a bandage on the bruise he’s caused, then shows us what happens to people when they sin, and their bodies end up on the mortuary slab. We just got a slight bruise for our wrongdoing, whilst the sinner that didn’t take Jesus Christ’s advice ended up in a side bush off the covenant pathway, in a ditch with multiple horrific wounds, and the devil which did this certainly didn’t send off the victim in a nice coffin, but just left him their. Heavenly father from time to time has to hurt us to wake us up to the sin we commit or are about to. Be happy friends, we are free and safe, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
You love Jesus Christ and heavenly father, so there’s nothing to fear!
Good morning friends, there certainly isn’t anything for us to fear about, absolutely nothing, because we love Jesus and his father! Isn’t that brilliant news though, Doctrine and Covenants verse 35 states this, these God breathed words which were given too Joseph Smith by revelation, our first modern day prophet, where our redemption is ‘Jesus Christ by our sides’ on Judgement Day, and just one last bit of fear as heavenly father passes sentence, and as we gaze in Jesus’s loving, caring eyes, that fear dissipates as surely we will enter into that first tier of glory, ‘the Celestial Kingdon’, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!
D & C 35:26 Lift up your hearts and be glad, your redemption draweth nigh.
27 Fear not, little flock, the kingdom is yours until I come. Behold, I come quickly. Even so. Amen.
It’s so important to be with Jesus Christ always.
This title is so true friends, even Joseph Smith had to be with Jesus Christ always, or else someone else would have been called by God to make known the Book of Mormon! Jesus is our leader friends, and without him, even for a short time, we begin to wander off the covenant pathway, where sin gets a hold of us. It’s heavenly father’s will that we be with Jesus always, where our faith will never falter, not ever, and your destinies life will be of the most wonderful happiness with the Book of Mormon in one hand, and the Holy scriptures in the other! Write to you soon again friends, keep the faith, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
D&C 35:17 And I have sent forth the fulness of my gospel by the hand of my servant Joseph; and in weakness have I blessed him;
18 And I have given unto him the keys of the mystery of those things which have been sealed, even things which were from the foundation of the world, and the things which shall come from this time until the time of my coming, if he abide in me, and if not, another will I plant in his stead.
19 Wherefore, watch over him that his faith fail not, and it shall be given by the Comforter, the Holy Ghost, that knoweth all things.
The Words of Mormon You are a delightsome people!
Hello Christian friends, and after reading verse 8 which is below, I had insight, even revelation from God, that we are a delightsome people! Why? Well, when we pray to Heavenly father he does in fact answer our prayers, like a father talks caringly and lovingly to his children! The fact that many of us understand the concept of the atonement of Jesus Christ and his redeeming love for us, and the absolute fact that God and Jesus want the best for us, giving each individual among us that specific knowledge that will forfill the will of God! That knowledge which brightens our soul our personal world in which we live, which gives us lots and lots of ‘seeds’ to scatter in the good soil, and too harvest the fruit of Jesus Christ’s soul. We are a delightsome people though who believe in Christ, striving to be like our Saviour, where those feelings of sickly feelings of sin within us are ‘cast out’ just leaving the delights of our great comforter, the holy spirit has within us, pure bliss! We as members of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints know that Mormon so desired that his son Moroni would survive the destruction of his people the Nephites, which he did survive and continued to protect God’s word contained on metal plates, for his children to later read and know and believe. Like Moroni survived, we have survived also my Christian friends, we are God’s children, a delightsome people. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
The Words of Mormon 8 And my prayer to God is concerning my brethren, that they may once again come to the knowledge of God, yea, the redemption of Christ; that they may once again be a delightsome people.
Charity is the pure love of Christ. It is the love that Christ has for the children of men and that the children of men should have for one another. It is the highest, noblest, and strongest kind of love and the most joyous to the soul (see 1 Nephi 11:23).
1 Nephi 11:
23 And he spake unto me, saying: Yea, and the most ajoyous to the soul.
24 And after he had said these words, he said unto me: Look! And I looked, and I beheld the Son of God agoing forth among the children of men; and I saw many fall down at his feet and worship him.
25 And it came to pass that I beheld that the arod of iron, which my father had seen, was the bword of God, which cled to the fountain of dliving waters, or to the etree of life; which waters are a representation of the love of God; and I also beheld that the tree of life was a representation of the love of God.
26 And the angel said unto me again: Look and behold the acondescension of God!
27 And I looked and abeheld the Redeemer of the world, of whom my father had spoken; and I also beheld the bprophetwho should prepare the way before him. And the Lamb of God went forth and was cbaptized of him; and after he was baptized, I beheld the heavens open, and the Holy Ghost come down out of heaven and abide upon him in the form of a ddove.
Hello friends, these words of truth which are the word of God contained in the Book of Mormon are so fantastically true, where the point here being Charity and what charity does to our soul, what love does to our soul, it makes us joyous, it makes us sing out for joy where Jesus Christ fills our heart. As we embrace the ‘Tree of Life’, those fountains of water drench our soul with love and charity. What more can we ask for friends, just to have charity in our souls! That living water makes us alive and certain of our hope of entering into the ‘celestial kingdom’, By just following the prophesies of Nephi above you will certainly hit the ‘charity’ jackpot, you will find love that far outweighs any temporal pleasure, and everlasting love, which will reside in a place where moth and rust cannot corrupt, and with faith, in a place where Satan cannot enter into, to rob you of your charity. So friends when fear from time to time grips you, where you feel unable to breath and move, just tug on those heartstrings of Jesus Christ and for sure, those fears and pressures will soon leave your soul, and what remains is beautiful love and charity in your soul, and that’s a promise. Amen, by Stephen.
Peter’s shadow heals, you just need faith!
Acts 5:16 There came also a multitude out of the cities round about unto Jerusalem, bringing sick folks, and them which were vexed with unclean spirits: and they were healed every one.
Center Your Relationships on Jesus Christ
Hello friends, the below advice from Elder Bednar can help you ‘Spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ’ via the internet. By focusing all discussions around Jesus Christ this is the best way forward.
Friends, it’s so true, we come from the one and only true church in the world in which we live, there is no need to become argumentative or defensive like Elder Bednar says, we just need to talk as friends would talk about the beauty of the Gospel. I like to view our true church like I have found that pot of gold or pot of pearls, it’s there in my hands, and the onlooking world no matter what they say whether kind words or aggressive makes no difference to my joy, it’s here in my soul, the love of Jesus Christ, and it’s available to all who just have FAITH!

As you share online, focus on relationships and messages that bring you closer to Jesus Christ. Use the Spirit as you find ways to share the gospel online. Have courage to share your testimony of the Savior when you feel prompted by the Spirit. Try to help those you associate with online realize the power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
“As you participate in this conversation and utilize the tools of new media, remember who you are—Latter-day Saints. . . . There is no need to argue or contend with others regarding our beliefs. There is no need to become defensive or belligerent. Our position is solid; the Church is true. We simply need to have a conversation, as friends in the same room would have, always guided by the prompting of the Spirit and constantly remembering the Atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ, which reminds us of how precious are the children of our Father in Heaven.” — Elder M. Russell Ballard (“Sharing the Gospel Using the Internet,” Ensign, July 2008).
“I offer two questions for consideration in your personal pondering and prayerful studying: 1. Does the use of various technologies and media invite or impede the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost in your life? 2. Does the time you spend using various technologies and media enlarge or restrict your capacity to live, to love, and to serve in meaningful ways?” — Elder David A. Bednar (“Things as They Really Are,” Ensign, June 2010).
How we got the Book of Mormon.

Please click on the link to hear my voice recording – Thanks!
Hello friends, I hope you are interested enough to follow some of my Christian posts here, and the reason is quite simply that I would love you to know about Jesus Christ through the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints! If only you can receive the Holy Ghost in your soul and feel the love of Jesus Christ in your being, then that’s all I want to achieve and be involved with regarding your personal interest in God. Obviously if you don’t believe in God then this website’s page isn’t for you and rather than offend it would be better to leave now, however, even non believers who are can I say a little lost in there life might, just might find some comfort in reading on. Who knows, God works in mysterious ways, and you may be converted, but please, don’t take this the wrong way, as I know I would be hurt if someone tried to convert me to atheism or something! However, as far as I’m concerned, that conversion would be almost impossible when you have found love, nothing and I mean nothing is going to persuade you to ‘leave your love’ you know it just doesn’t make sense. So please click on the above link and find out how the Book of Mormon all very basically started!
Jesus Christ is our everything
Jesus Christ is the one and only true Saviour!
Hello friends, the above video shows us just some of the things that Jesus Christ will do for all of mankind. We live in a world which is full of fear and hatred, Why? well from my Christian point of view, most of the people in the world and I believe there are 7.5 billion now, don’t know who Jesus Christ is. That is so sad friends, the one true person in the world who can help all in so many different ways, and not many people know him. And so the wars continue and ‘peacetime’ continues, but in the main without Jesus. Jesus Christ like the Easter video proclaims can turn despair and sickness into joy and happiness and wellness, and when people get to know Christ, they begin to understand that when we all one day will die and pass away, in the end we will find life again and this will surely come for everybody in the world that has faith and hope that Jesus Christ is the true Saviour of mankind and will lead God’s children back to him. Please feel free to share your comments and spread the Gospel Message letting people know who Jesus Christ is. God bless you friends, and please visit again, you are the best!
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