My Audios

Audio Page…. 



18th Feb 2025……nice back x

20th Jan 2025

Marylin…..x   17th March 2020

1st Jan 2025….

17th Oct 2024…..x a girl actually…x

Tue 1st Oct 2024 

Diamond Jewelry…. 

Mon 23rd Sept 2024


getting close to the aristocracy X

Real Housewives Of New York Countess Luann Gif By RealitytvGIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

doing well………

still the best…….x

Merry Christmas…….XX Dec 23rd 2023

Thursday 2nd Nov 2023 and now Jesus loves you too……. xx


7th Aug 2023 still the best, because you are very fair and always appealing… See I haven’t forgot, so don’t worry xx

Gentle berries x

You are still the best ………x

That beautiful music does bring tears to my eyes, honey…. X

Still the best x

sisters x

Still watching x

tute flute x……



That really is a pretty dress x


Big Ben……….

Not forgotten…..

simplicity is genius……….x


The original best x

Princess Tingles…. 


Neat x 


Tingly trim x






don’t forget your sunglasses… 


Dream holidays will surely materialize one day….. x

long time friends x

colourful lovely x


paradise x

Circle of Love….. X

Kisses of kindness… 

Neat x



with some tears and pearls too xx

showing true strength of character for many years, inspiring and helping x










Blossoming x


two million….. x


curly wurly x

magic moments x






two million toy cars 










shiny lovely nails…. x

early morning talking x

charming whispers x

beautiful skin……..

beautiful enchanting writing x

Double the work in Russian and English xx

beautiful shiny colours x

whisper lovely x

Fine Notes….. 

meticulous organisation x

Crystal Healing…. 

eeverything is fine… 

Telegraph UK News


Cool glasses…..

Tasty Food…… 🍇🍉🍊🍓🍞🧀🥗🍨☕🥂💗

The birth of Venus… 

Crystal beauty….. 💖

Possible life on Venus the Goddess of Love ❤️

colour beauty……. x

rainbow gladness…. 

may the skies brighten and the smoke recede…. x

Stay cool its going to be hot this week…. x

nice food…… x


Everything is fine now x

Nearly two million and nearly two years old….. 

Crystal moon beam… 


Lovely Light-Hearted Rambler…..

kisses x


Very tasty in pleasant surroundings….

Cromer Norfolk England

Nice Places to Holiday…

Santa Cruz…..

Very Enchanting……

silver Britannica……



Feeling things that move me….

so soft and soothing….


and soul and kisses……

Russian Peace and Tranquility…..

blue ‘ocean’ agate….

Золотые пузыри Golden days…..

I’m forever blowing bubbles,

pretty bubbles in the air……

Moon of Baroda…



Map of treasure…..

treasure map

golden shovel





очень аккуратно сложено ….

Цветочное исцеление ….

движущаяся древесина

Красивая презентация прекрасной леди

наш друг на всю жизнь


Very fair …

lovely Russian doll……

Gorgeous on the outside…

beautiful flowers within…..

Wow….incredibly attractive

so pretty……

Marilyn looking gorgeous in just about anything….

swirling around in high circles…..

Gorgeous Marilyn enjoying food….

High Society….

So sweet and gentle…

tingling, sensational, beautiful…….

Pretty Marilyn…….

growing into a beauty star……

Diamonds are a girl’s best friend….

very beautiful and so, so, right……..

Pretty Blonde Princess….

so peaceful and quiet whispers…..


golden angel…..

Crystal Beauty

who really touches me and moves me…..

Russian Beauty Spot

very romantic…… where beautiful people come from

Marilyn dances with sparkling diamond…..

Clark Gable waltzes round rings…..

Marilyn is just so relaxing

gentle beauty in everything she does…

Wake up sleepy head….time to get up….

Golden Dreams……..


beautifully wonderful…Marilyn

Very Pretty…

marilyn monroe…..windswept and beautiful


sparkling star…..

Agnetha Faltskog ,beautiful blonde singer….

gorgeous hair (looking good)

Rainbow Gentleness….

full of kindness…

Я думаю, что это сладкая грусть, которая меня огорчает, что вы не против поделиться

Rainbow Honey…

true beautiful and gentle rainbow blonde…

Happy first birthday sweetie….

please have a joyful day……


Beautiful Russian Doll

absolutely charming and delightfully tingling…..

Gentle Beauty….

so gentle so tingly….

Mother and Baby doing fine

mother and baby in sweet harmony

baby growing up sweetly

there’s always sunshine in your heart

New Moon Soon for Kid’s education…


Beautiful Million Star

happy Christmas tree


Still beautiful…

beautiful paintings by beautiful people

Minnie Mouse Loves Cheese…

Minnie Mouse….


Just smile…..everything will work out just fine….I promise….

Chatting about anything…..

Stephen’s memories of childhood orchards and playing and happy families….

Stephen and Wuthering Heights…..

Heathcliffe, fill my arms with heather!…….

Extremely classy ladies hat……

outstanding beauty and class….

Nice Hat for a Gent

Nice gentleman’s British hat….

Stephen gets excited over the 1977 Epsom Derby….

The Minstrel winner of the 1977 Epsom Derby in England ridden by Lester Piggott

Angel of Light and Good fortune seems right….

angel of light brings peace in the night….
Russian flowers earrings

Beautiful Deep Whispers that Enchant thine Ears!

Lovely mid length blonde hair….that baby used to love pulling when it was long!

Beautiful Kitchens Beautiful Children!

Beautiful Kitchens!
beautiful homes.
Aristocratic beauty.

Magical crinkly crisp relaxation.

Tears on my Pillow!

Crisp Rain Jacket!


Oh what a night!

You are always close too me…..

Hi friends, how are things? I hope you are doing OK! I’m still exactly the same as I’ve always been over the years, I suppose the only difference is I have a couple of more friends that I try to keep hold of and stick with and I hope that you sometimes think yes , I do like Stephen, and the videos that I make help him in a special sort of way! It is sort of special too me when you do imply a mention from time to time, and sometimes I do wish that your dreams come true and you become successful, but still remember your friend who tried his best to let you know that he still cares for his friends, and he wishes all the best for you, with extra happiness. The above link to my song recording takes me back to my teenage if not before when I began to get those feelings for the opposite sex, and you know, that moment where something happened within and you felt a great happiness because all of a sudden you felt you had a purpose in life…..making people happy……so keep those relaxation videos going, adding your lovely personalities and characters, with your kindness by sharing your family moments with the world, and hopefully one day when my love and fortune comes for me, we’ll think of something that will surely help youe lives and happiness…. God bless! Stephen x.

A thing called love!

Hi friends, just a few words about love. No matter how hard you try you just can’t grasp love,it’s immaterial, and you can’t even put your arms around love because it is like the wind that covers our land, and as we know we can’t see the wind only it’s effects, and although love has never bought me too my knees it has sky rocketed me up to the moon and back on loads of occasions. So love rules, OK! Good luck friends with love, and once you find it never let it go. And just remember if you think about sex when talking about love you are barking up the wrong tree, because as many know sex is not love, and love is not sex, they are two separate things entirely although they do obviously merge together when one actually does possess love. So friends keep on loving because you are LOVING people or else I wouldn’t be your friend x…………….
Jonny Cash a thing called love!
jonny cash a thing called love
jonny cash a thing called love!

Keep our triangle of friends strong, I’m counting on you!

Phil says ‘You can’t hurry love’ which leads on to patience being a virtue!

Just keep listening to ‘Your’ favourite music friends!

Hello friends, I was listening to my car radio, and like a lot of us do, heard a song that we’ve heard many times before, but this time wondering, who sang it and what is it called? So I quickly wrote down some of the lyrics and was able to locate it on the intenet. So I founds some chords to this song by the Doombey Brothers, listen to the music, and sang along to it on my guitar, sometimes wishing that during those moments of inspiration and love and feeling we could ‘bottle’ the moment! I hope life is treating you knindley my friends, where your inspiration, and the way you make videos from time to time is so unique that it is just you expressing yourself through your tingly, sensational media, then living your very busy lifestyles, and probably if your’e like me , realise you possess only one pair of hands! Keep up your work though where I know people depend on your hard work and kindness. Oh! Sorry for the clock ticking away, I didn’t want to do the recording again as I try to capture my feelings in one take, or else if you keep refining and polishing recordings, where do you draw the line and stop. That reminds me of the late Cilla Black, and the song was written by Burt Bacharach, Any One Who had a Heart, I think was the song! She said she would only make the recording if Burt himself would come over to England from the States and conduct the recording, what a mistake Cilla made. So the scenario was and Cilla , amongst other necessary people, including ex Beatles manager George Martin, and Burt just wasn’t happy with any of Cilla’s recordings, and after about the 20th take Cilla was ready to collapse, and pleaded with George Martin to appeal to Burt to not do any more takes, stating that they thought the fifth take of the song was Cilla’s best! In the end Burt finally agreed, and Cilla was allowed to go home. Some perfectionists like Burt obviously just keep on going forever though! Again I’m sorry about the tick tocking clock right next to my recorder……..bye for a while friends…….stay happy!

sweet birdsong can get through to your soul as well!

Keep going forward ‘My Huckleberry Friend’!

My Huckleberry Friend – Moon River.

Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh and music by Don Mclean!

Hello Friends, I’ve just tried to bring together a beautiful picture and a beatiful song together as I’m sure Don Mclean set out to do. Your work is beautiful too, so those works of art that you do will last forever, and trying too write a book in the form of videos would be such a tremendous feat if that could be done. God bless for a short while………..We love you…………

Starry Night Vincent Van Gogh and song by Don Mclean.
Vincent Van Gogh painting Don Mclean Starry Night song. sang by blogger Stephen Allerton.


Starry, starry night
Paint your palette blue and grey
Look out on a summer’s day
With eyes that know the darkness in my soul
Shadows on the hills
Sketch the trees and the daffodils
Catch the breeze and the winter chills
In colors on the snowy linen landNow I understand
What you tried to say to me
And how you suffered for your sanity
And how you tried to set them free
They would not listen, they did not know how
Perhaps they’ll listen nowStarry, starry night
Flaming flowers that brightly blaze
Swirling clouds in violet haze
Reflect in Vincent’s eyes of china blue
Colors changing hue
Morning fields of amber grain
Weathered faces lined in pain
Are soothed beneath the artist’s loving handNow I understand
What you tried to say to me
And how you suffered for your sanity
And how you tried to set them free
They would not listen, they did not know how
Perhaps they’ll listen nowFor they could not love you
But still your love was true
And when no hope was left in sight
On that starry, starry night
You took your life, as lovers often do
But I could have told you, Vincent
This world was never meant for one
As beautiful as youStarry, starry night
Portraits hung in empty halls
Frameless heads on nameless walls
With eyes that watch the world and can’t forget
Like the strangers that you’ve met
The ragged men in the ragged clothes
The silver thorn, a bloody rose
Lie crushed and broken on the virgin snowNow I think I know
What you tried to say to me
And how you suffered for your sanity
And how you tried to set them free
They would not listen, they’re not listening still
Perhaps they never will

Source: LyricFindSongwriters: Don McLeanVincent (Starry, Starry Night) lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group

The Show Must Go On!

leo sayer the show must go on.
leo sayer – the show must go on!

Hello friends, just a quick hello, and an update on how I’m doing. I hope your show is still successful and ‘Going On’ strongly, however, it’s OK to take a break, have a rest so to speak, and put hard work on the ‘back burner’, while you recuperate and regain your energies, getting yourself in tip top form. See you soon friends, all the best, Stephen x

Rocket Man Film – Elton John

Hello Friends,

This is another mega singer star’s film I saw recently, Elton John’s Rocket Man. Again, Elton’s major hits take over the show, mixed with his life story which was very interesting to say the least. I sang a few of his songs, trying to capture those emotions which he somehow ‘got into’ them. I hope you are still happy in your ‘family life’, it’s been marvelous being apart of such a personal and beautiful family moment, showing ones little bundle of joy to the world! and other talented video stars writing books, being a published author really does begin to open up new channels in ones life, so may later books become best sellers….lease click on picture of link to hear three more songs I sang from Elton’s vast repertoire of hits. Keep being successful, and thanks for being my friend, looking forward to your next videos…..Stephen x ps my lady friend is so so close….you give me so much confidence love.

elton john film rocketman
elton john film rocketman


Yesterday by the Beatles

Hi friends, I hope you are keeping well. I also hope that motherhood is treating you kindly ,I know that it is because this is why God made woman, to have babies and love her man! I went to see a film in England today called Yesterday. It was based on the songs of the Beatles and as soon as I got home I just wanted to play some of those fab 60’s hits, well some of them any way. So please click on the picture or link to hear my audio file. Just before I sign off I was thinking, if a stranger was to listen to me singing they might think, hmm, not to great, however I know my lady love will love to hear me, and it will sound beautiful too her, however, if anyone else can maybe hum along to one or two of them please do so. God bless, and please keep busy and active, us friends need to stick together, even if its only once in a while!

Yesterday by the Beatles
Yesterday by the Beatles

When I visited Salisbury during my May 2019 South West England caravan tour,we visited Stonehenge and Salisbury Cathedral. The plains in Salisbury reminded me of the below song:-

salisbury plains

I hope life is treating you kindly my friends. I know being a mother changes your life, well when I see the change in single women then after they have given birth that motherhood just oozes out of their personality in a way that only the female can acquire. Then we have our mum’s whose infants have grown into teenagers, and still the change es in the female persona still comes out, different attitudes, just as loving but a lot more aware that their little one is about to ‘fly the nest’, and as we know in the wild bird’s world, those first few hours of leaving the nest are the most crucial, and both parent birds can be seen and heard feedings their offspring for the final time. It’s virtually always a happy ending though, and off they go into the big blue sky! Take care my friends, keep up your work, I still really look forward in seeing you, although I feel it more like a father figure watching over his daughters, and smiling when everything seems to be going ‘hunky dorey’, Well!!!!
Salisbury Hill by Peter Gabriel.

The prettiest girl I’ve ever seen, follow your hearts desire, and I’m feeling good just holding you tight, so hold me close don’t let me go oh no! my pretty baby!

Hello friends, this is just a few songs I’ve sang for you, the reason being the last song was done in a very sad way and I don’t wish to cause any sadness within such joyful and happy people, so I’ve sang a few songs which I felt were love songs, however with a bit more brightness and happiness for like minded people.

please click link or picture to here my 5 minute (not so sad this time) medley of songs.

and when that rainbow shines all over you, that's when your dreams will all come true.
and when that rainbow shines all over you, that’s when your dreams will all come true.

RIP Doris Day

Wow! what an amazing singer she was, and not too bad an actress either! My favorite song friends has to be ‘Secret Love’. When she sings this ballad it takes me back to ‘the Lake District’ and all of those thousands of daffodils tossing their heads in sprightly dance by the side of Lake Windermere (I’m referring to William Wordsworth the poet of course) and yes, even Doris Day can tell about her secret love to the daffodils, after all they won’t tell (will they), so at last my hearts an open door, and my secret love’s no secret anymore!!!! God bless you, Doris Day….

Stephen’s Secret Love…..please click below picture or link to here my interpretation of Secret Love

Doris Day Secret Love by Stephen Allerton blogger
Doris Day Secret Love ….she even told the daffodils…
Doris Day
Day in 1957
Born Doris Mary Kappelhoff
April 3, 1922
CincinnatiOhio, U.S.
Died May 13, 2019 (aged 97)
Carmel Valley Village, California, U.S.
Occupation Actresssingeractivist
Years active 1939–1989
Spouse(s) Al Jorden
(m. 1941; div. 1943)
George Weidler
(m. 1946; div. 1949)
Martin Melcher
(m. 1951; d. 1968)
Barry Comden
(m. 1976; div. 1981)
Children Terry Melcher

Hello friends, my first audio, me trying to sing Abba’s I do, I do, I do, I do, I do……..

This song is in my top three favorite Abba hits, and they’ve had alot of hits that’s for sure. In my teenage years I use to always look forward to Abba’s next release in the pop charts, and one of their major reasons for their success from my point of view was the fact that their music evoked my feelings. They were an emotional band if you like, and some of their not so well known stuff that didn’t reach the charts was even better I thought. I don’t know how they did it, but they had a knack of reaching and playing my heart strings…so I love you too Abba , I do, I do, I do, I do, I do (and of course I love you too friends). The I do bit is obviously from my point of view, the final wedding vow at the altar when the bride says to the groom I do……..

Please click below to hear me sing I do by Abba.

I do, I do, I do, I do, I do by the Swedish group Abba, my personal top three song that Abba released, by blogger Stephen Allerton.
I do, I do, I do, I do, I do by the Swedish group Abba, my personal top three song that Abba released, by blogger Stephen Allerton.
Agnetha and Anna Frid of Abba.
Abba from Sweden.


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