My Videos



Hello friends, I’m just jumping over to My videos 2 as I think this page has reached its full capacity as I started having probs with doing editing on smartphone although laptop is fine!!! Strange, anyway I’ll see you on the next page…….

Good morning friends, I’m having to work off my laptop to post things at the moment as my smartphone has a gliche. I’m just on my way to hospital voulnteering. Below is the Gold Hits from 2018 as promised with more very recent stuff too come. Have a great week friends, look forward too seeing your videos, and apologies for me not seeing all your great videos as I’ve been quite busy because of ‘changes’ which we are all subject too.      see you soon x


Stephen’s Gold Hits (from 2018)…..

Stephen shows you where he was born and talks about his new church calling… Temple and Family History…..

coming soon some more gold hits from yesteryear (one that I recorded in 2018) as well as recently. stay well friends x

An eloquent Financial explanation of how the Euro ‘will die of death lock’ by Nigel Farage… 

with some great financial /political analogies to help ‘layperson understanding’….. 


Miss, I can’t see the blackboard……



Nigel Farage defends the ‘Union Jack’…. 

Fleeing from demons with Stephen… 

you can always escape I promise you…..

Have a shining Easter…… 


Hello friends, I hope you are well. I’ve been a little bit behind doing my usual things, and I’ve fallen behind watching my favorite videos you do, however I’ll soon catch up. I’ve had a new calling in my church which is great, I’ve been quite emotionally taxed doing my hospital voluntary work, which again is fantastic, and other things. The below is another great tune which seems to unlock that old wooden chest within in where I can play with things which are both curious and enchanting, so please enjoy the below song and see you soon friends x


good morning friends, another day another dollar, I’m just preparing to volunteer at my local hospital and there’s an hours music with my commentary below Gold 2… have a good day, see you soon x

good morning friends I’m just starting volunteering at local hospital today and tomorrow as I’m not in on Fridays when I usually go as its Good Friday Bank Holiday in the UK (ps Good Friday is an ironic term as it was the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ however much Good was to follow with Everlasting and Eternal Life)…. see you soon friends have a great week and I’ll post those Gold Songs below very soon x

Stephen’s song of the week…. ‘Only Love’ 


Gold Vol 2 with Stephen…. (ten great hits of yesteryear with a little bit of commentary by ‘yours truly’… 

the psychedelic era 60s….

Stephen ‘Killing me softly’……


Stephen talks about Light at the end of the pandemic Tunnel… 

Nigel Farage….. 

and not forgetting UK’s £10 billion pounds a year brexit ‘sweetheart kiss’

Today’s volunteering lesson stems from safeguarding adults (and children) and recognising the areas where abuse can be categorised…. 


Hello friends, I’ve just found out it was the Pfizer vaccine I had 2 months ago and not the Astra Zenica one which I jumped to conclusions that I had…. 

Good morning friends I’ve just posted the below ten Golden hits of the 70’s. I’m preparing to do my volunteering at local hospital where today I’m receiving my 2nd covid vaccination.  Stay safe and look forward too feeling love for what you do…. Stephen x

Stephen’s song of the week….

do it, do it again with love…. 

today’s lesson ‘safeguarding adults awareness’ and the 2014 Care Act….. 

I’ll be with you in a min dear….. 


Gold Hits Vol 1 with Stephen 

ten great hits of the 70’s and 60’s

Stephen blowing your mind on Crime…….21032021


I think they’ve got your alias……. 

Stephen’s song of the week…… Love shine a light 

Katrina and the Waves….. 

good morning friends, today’s volunteers lesson is to do with fire safety in the workplace. You know from time to time when the bell starts to ring and someone says ‘it’s OK it’s only a fire drill test’.. it has to be done…. As an employee of the Trust you have a common duty to act in such a way as not to endanger yourself
or others and to report anything that might be a fire hazard. You have a duty to ensure that you are
aware of and understand your fire precautions and procedures, where and how the fire safety equipment
is to be used and how to get yourself and those with you to safety in the event of a fire emergency.
Unlike most of the other safety concerns, fire has the potential to injure large numbers of people very
quickly. Therefore the actions taken within the initial minutes of an emergency are critical

see you soon friends, thanks for yesterday, in my thoughts Stephen x


Feliz cumpleanos….. 


A tribute too the glam rock band of the 70’s The Sweet…….

The Sweet , glam rock band of the 70’s……

Sunny Day with Stephen (8 years ago! at Westport Lake)……

Me praying at Worcester Cathedral (recorded May 2019)

the above are the bells of Worcester Cathedral which I recorded (I’m currently clearing up space on my one drive so I thought I’d just share these files as I came across them……

Space Relaxation with Stephen and friends (recorded about two years ago May 2019)



Stephen talks Jogging and Angry drivers….

Hello friends, today’s volunteering lesson is about ‘Information Governance’    Information Governance (IG) is to do with the way organisations process or handle information. … It allows organisations and individuals to ensure that personal information is handled legally, securely, efficiently and effectively in order to support delivery of the best possible care. 

  • have a good day friends, see you later x 

Thank you so much for what you do…. 



Top of the World! 

the Carpenters…… 


I bet you felt that one all the way down…. 

wow, I feel on top of the world…. 

Breath through your nose….. 


Stephen’s song of the week, Good morning starshine… 

Hello friends, as I get towards my volunteering three month mark, and prepare for today’s shift, my lesson today is concerning ‘infection prevention ‘ within hospital settings, my responsibilities regarding looking after myself, patients and others from infection risk and how too report potential problems…. take care friends, see you soon, Stephen x


 ‘Electronic comfort with Stephen and friends’



Hi, I was going to post the utube clip of Gordon Ramsay dropping the ‘f’ bomb 100 times in four minutes, with some title like Ramsey is worth $220, so he doesn’t give a ‘f’….. however, whosoever is interested in the act of ‘going forth and multiplying’ can find it themselves and I hope any little kiddies who stumble across this haven’t got the ability or inclination to ‘look’. However, this is an important truth, as long as people talk truth, no matter how much express themselves is better than the righteous so and sos out there who are really that deceptive, the devil cries with appreciation…. stay safe and I’m bleating my heart out again tomorrow with my ‘John 3:16’ testimony so hopefully you come along there as well…. stay safe, Stephen x 

Stephen’s song of the week ‘Sweet, Sweet Smile’…. 

by the lovely Carpenters….. 

Another day another dollar, just preparing myself for today’s volunteering at local hospital… my theme today health and safety at work! Where your employer is responsible for your health and safety, however we need to bear in mind prevention is better than cure,and we have our own responsibilities in terms of safeguarding our own health and safety…. the trust has a moral and legal obligation to keep staff, patients and visitors safe today and tomorrow…. so, that’s some of the homework out of the way, let’s all be safe though friends, and just use common sense I say and it’s OK too be vigilant also… see you soon, have a good day x

something different please…. 


Stephen walking and talking and remembering the giant redwoods of California…

And I’ll always surrender, to the warm wet circle….. X

Stay strong xx

Great theme tune Joe 90…. 


What would you do? 

I can’t take my eyes off you, dramatic, intelligent and lovely x

Hello friends, I’m just starting volunteering in an hours time. Yesterday I had tears in my eyes between wards, I suppose the diversity of patients health and dealing with family members is taking its toll… where the sun rises in some wards and sets in others… see you soon x

Good morning friends, another day at the office, well the volunteering hospital office in the next three hours, and I’m pretty much settled in after three months working there. Our country is setting plans to get back to normal as the pandemic seems to enter its final phase (touch wood)… perhaps some more advanced office work on the horizon… I’ll have to wait and see what the volunteers coordinator has in mind…. Still take good care of yourselves friends x

Give Me Steam….. 

Another great song by the old Genesis front man ‘Peter Gabriel’…. 

Stephen plays a selection of songs danced by the sexy ‘Pans People’….

Step inside love…..


Frankenstein loses his ‘true connection’….. Anti-climax… 

the perils of ‘lasciviousness’….

Stephen and friends discuss poetry…. 17022021

when the wind controls your destiny…… Percy Shelly…

Stephen rain relaxation with friends…….. 

rain sounds with friends…

Wuthering Heights …Stephen’s favourite love story…

Wuthering Heights…… by Emily Bronte

starting my volunteering job at hospital in three hours time where my videocalling bringing patient and family together begins to show its importance as lady patient holds my hand in appreciation of reunion with loved ones in very hard pandemic times…. 

Stephen does some twitching…. 

twitchers watching birds….

Hooey Gooey……

Hello friends, my volunteer update news, I’ve been assigned the maternity block, cancer unit and the West building whose primary aim is to house patients close to discharge….. so that’s where I’ll be collecting feedback forms from now on… and of course doing facetime and WhatsApp with patients and family all over other wards and departments….. Great job….. see you soon friends x



Although England have Pakistani Moen Ali, they will need more to beat India….


One small step for man….


England prepare to get ‘hammered’ by India in the Test series in India!…. 

Good morning friends, some good news this morning, BBC news states patient admissions with covid 19 at Royal Stoke are beginning to fall, where the CEO Tracy Bullock is on BBC 1 tonight at 6.30pm with her full interview… I’m volunteering today doing video calling between patient and family, so I will be busy… see you soon friends, stay safe x

Hello friends, I’m just having my dinner in the Royal Stoke restaurant… 1.20 pm 4/2/21

one with beans and cheese…

Good morning friends, I hope you are well and doing OK! I’m about to start my volunteering shift at local hospital in 2.5 hours time, doing videocalling bringing patient and family together during lock down times. So still helping during pandemic times, where I’m hoping that sometime soon, maybe summer, lockdown restrictions are lifted and hospitals can start getting back to normal! Still a long way to go yet though…. blessings and stay safe… Stephen x 

Hello friends, just a quick catch up and update, my volunteering is going well at my local hospital. my covid 19 vaccination went well no side effects for last two weeks. I’m connecting patients with family members via facetime and WhatsApp so bringing loved ones together electronically. also taking too and helping the patients with items that have been left by family members… all is going great friends.. see you soon, Stephen x

Sometimes some of us in life decide to take a different pathway and do our own thing! All the best and no matter how much I try too dissuade, I know it will be to no avail, but like ‘the prodigal son’, if you decide to return, open arms await for you…. take care x


Enchanting moon…. 

your spiritual powers and videos are really ‘top draw’ lovely x

Stephen, friends and ice cream…..

Stephen on Love and the importance of holding hands….


walking with Stephen at Bateswood…

Good morning friends, I’m just preparing to do my volunteering at local hospital, my vaccination for covid 19 went well, no problems at all 24 hours later… x



Walking with Stephen at Apedale Valley 21012021

Hello friends, 6 hours after my covid 19 jab and I’m feeling fine. just going for a walk… 

I just had vaccination at 9am, no adverse effects so far, see you later friends… x

Good morning friends, I’m just going to have my covid 19 jab in the next hour. I believe in vaccinations so I’ve got to have it although I’ve heard it had made some people quite poorly. A small price to pay rather than the alternative demise. Have a good and safe day, where I look forward to catch up watching your great videos friends, see you soon Stephen x 

Hello friends, I hope you are doing OK in life. I’m having my covid 19 jab this Thursday, and I must admit I’ve had to work hard to get this as it appears in England that volunteers don’t get the same ‘services’ had paid NHS staff do! so can easily slip between the net and fall off the radar….. stay safe, and look forward to watching your inspiring videos…. x 


Stephen at Mow Cop Sunday 17th Jan 2021…..

Macro Photography with Stephen (wow three years ago)

very talented…. 


The Beatles … Anna…

Good morning friends, I’ll be doing voluntary work at local hospital in three hours time. Icy weather conditions in England. apart from that great work, and thinking of you friends, Wow! I honestly don’t know what to say, really! Our make up is so different and yet we’re connected together by the same feelings of love and emotion… What we believe in personally is the best way forward and trying to modify our behaviours to get out of bad habits is sensible, however what’s bad for one person is good for another if that makes sense! Just carry on I say, be yourself, and remember we’re all friends, and the definition of a friend is someone you know well and like…. 

Stephen feeds the hungry horses….

Hello friends, with volunteering for my local hospital I’ve found it easier to just leave comments like this, and finding myself relying more on watching your great Vids both relaxing and informative…. I do try to dig deeper inside myself to show my support, and find myself not being able to show as much as I would like to….. but I reckon just be yourselves and look after yourselves, giving yourselves plenty of positive thoughts that I understand can change your life if you find negativities have crept into you some how! So just be you, stay strong, and hopefully become happier rather than sadder even when life does seem to get hard….. just thanks everyone, and just keep up that great work…. Stephen x 



two million flowers x


Thank you for visiting me still after such a long time…. 


The Snow Child read by Stephen plus The Ice Igloo written by me….

Hampster wheels with Stephen and 2021…..

Happy New Year Love x


Happy New Year 2021 friends from Stephen x…… 

Stephen’s goes for brisk walk wishing all friends a prosperous and a happy new year…..

Hello friends, just a quick hello and I hope you enjoyed your Christmas. The new year will be upon us soon so let’s all make it a good one and think about some new year’s resolutions which we will keep…. see you soon…. x

I hope you are well friends, looking forward to watching your videos, blessings for Christmas 

Pauline Collins x

Wow! that really brought a smile to my face… thank you…..

Can refusing an Oscar help support a race of people

Christmas with friends…. 

Queen of Winter…

Jesus Christ, your bundle of joy, if you want…..

Happy Days with me and my sister Janet approx. 1975…. 

definitely Wales 1975 when I was 10 ish I think Bala Lake… my late father took the photo as always…. x

Hi friends, with being busy with my volunteering I’ve dug out a few old video clips of mine, this one is one of my favorites as a kid, Jason and the arganouts, and yes Talos is still my body guard so don’t mess with me (only joking of course) x

The Frost Fairies by Stephen… 

taken from The Nutcracker children’s traditional story book….

Mud, mud, glorias mud… with Stephen…

Mon 14th Dec 2020 1am

hello friends, how are you doing? Nothing much going on at the moment, weather wet in England. I hope to post something soon. 

Crackling fire, snow and sleigh ride with Stephen and friends…….

merry Christmas x

Stephen reminiscing about Christmas and Football….. 

hanging your Christmas stocking up at the end of the bed….


Wee Robin Redbreast read by Stephen….

taken from a series of short stories in the Nutcracker……

Helping the needy in Stoke-on-Trent…..

Stephen prepares for Covid 19 onslaught…..

Relaxing with Stephen in the rain……


Give me hope Jo Anna….


Classy Love……

Baby Jessica…….

some mothers do av ’em…..


Hey big spender…..

just for you x

…… for love x


Weird and Wonderful with Stephen and friends….. 

feelings from the past…..


Doing a good job for England amongst Nincumpoops

jolly good…….

Happy Days……


Disclaimer: the following contains very, very offensive language, so please be aware: Plenty of Class with Lemmy….


Motorhead’s Lemmy Kilmister from Burslem Stoke-on-Trent….

loving you has made me bananas 

loving you has made me bananas….


and there you have it…. 


That’s all folks….

Whispers of the Lord by Stephen…….

sit back and ponder the beauty of God’s Word…..

Stephen reads Eeyore Has A Birthday…..

Stephen prepares to get battered….

Avoid eye contact; Don’t speak too anyone; celebrate but not close to anyone; please exit safely; thanks Claudia x

Evening Sentinel  Our Heroes Adult Carer Award 2012….

Stephen going for a pee Revelation…..

naked gun the sound of relief……

Nostalgic classic British adverts of the 70’s with Stephen….part three

Tim Nice School Re-Union…

Tim Nice by Harry Enfield….

Tim Nice plays Dire Straits…..

Stephen reads popular children’s story book…

Winnie and friends……

Nostalgic classic British adverts of the 70’s with Stephen….

Billy Elliot dances to ‘Cosmic Dancer’….

Billy dances too ‘Marc Bolan’s’ cosmic dancer……

Cosmic Friends…..

gold dust for you friends……

cosmic dancers……….

Having a good old fashioned moan in the windy rain with Stephen….

Manchester Cathedral Revisited……28102020

Manchester Cathedral…..

one of Manchester Cathedrals windows…..


Chatting with Stephen at Silverdale Country Park 25102020…

William Wordsworth’s church St Oswalds at Grasmere, Lake District…. 

William Wordsworth’ Grave at St Oswalds of Grasmere….

When you were sweet sixteen and relaxation with Stephen….

I love you…..


Maddy Prior…..’All around my hat’…..

beautiful eyes lead singer Maddy Prior of Steele Eye Span….

A short history tour of the third widest church in England, Kendal Parish Church and stories of the King’s power and Thomas of Becket’s martyred demise….. 

Kendal Parish Church in the Lake District England…..

Ullswater Beauty…. 20102020

Brougham Castle in Penrith visit with Stephen  b 20102020… 

Brougham Castle, Penrith….. English border stronghold….

Brougham Castle in Penrith visit with Stephen a 20102020… 

Lady Anne Clifford…..

Stephen on Lake Windermere cruise yearning about ‘wandering lonely as a cloud’ by Wordworth…. 18 Oct 2020

By William Wordsworth….

the day I worked as a contract labourer, building an extension at a local funeral undertakers, and inadvertently severed the next doors pot bank’s water supply…. plus the trepidation of mentions of me working in the coffin room (which didn’t come to pass), to working on the first major AIDS units that were built in Liverpool, and feeling the presence of the future unfortunates, that would one day spend their last moments in those tiny liitle numerous rooms, back in the early 90’s….

making space for beautiful moon beams x

lovely Eccles cake with Wesley Dale cheese at Grange over Sands…. 

Grange over sands 17102020


Stephen arrives at Blackpool 17102020

At the stepping stones dovedale…. 

dovedale’s stepping stones 151020


Stephen builds his first radio and it’s still working.. 

building my first retro radio….

Stephen at DoveDale’s ‘Stepping Stones’ 2018… 

Dovedale Stepping Stones Derbyshire England UK…

Pub lunch with my sister and brother…..

dream a little dream (a selection of songs to relax you with Stephen x….)

Relaxing those stresses away with Stephen….

put your mind somewhere idyllic…

Stephen tries to get his head around string theory…. 

can something be in two places at the same time, paradoxically speaking….



Blackburn Cathedral with Stephen 2015….

Do you love anyone enough to give them your last rolo? with Stephen…. 

friendship and the power of chocolate

Walking and chatting with Stephen…. 

Bill and Ted with Keanu Reeves…..

Love Sandy Shore…. 

Long long live love…

Liverpool Cathedral 2010…. 

The Psalms of God bringing me out of the dark ages….

The Psalms of God opening the gates to a bright world….

Corazon, mente y alma con Esteban parte seis……

relax friends and let those stresses leave you ‘just for a bit’ anyway….

Green Secret Door…

Lichfield Cathedral 2015….

my amateur video days of Lichfield Cathedral in Staffordshire, the largest diocese in England…..

Me at Birmingham St Philip’s Cathedral 10th Sept 2020… 

praying for cease fire……

Corazon, mente y alma con Esteban parte cinco …

Recalling pain and pleasure to flee from and embrace for meditation relief…. 

My recent visit to Jodrell Bank… 

the talented Prof Brian Cox presenting BBC’S Stargazing at Jodrell Bank…

Carolune presenting at Jodrell Bank…

the late and great Sir Bernard Lovell founder of the Jodrell Bank Radio Telescope… 


My visit to Derby Cathedral in 2018….. (not so long ago) 

where I was subject to a few bum notes but no profanities at the High Altar….

My visit to Derby Cathedral 2012… (wow 8 years ago) 

Derby Cathedral in 2012 when the gates were open that day….


When you find that the ‘Pearly Gates’ are shut….. 

the locked gates of Derby Cathedral……

Corazon, mente y alma con Esteban parte cuatro…. 

Relaxation and golden light just for you friends….

Corazon, mente y alma con Esteban parte tres

‘…there’s no death in the spirit world you see, only life’…castles in the sky…..

Pretty Eyes Dramatist Week…..

I know you are intrigued, but Why? I’ll explain to you one day….. sweetie



Prince Arthur dies young but not forgotten…. 

Worcester Cathedral……

Corazon, mente y alma con Esteban parte dos 

Genesis one for the vine……

friends that create great ‘star quality’ music , that drive fast cars and help people find pain relief, help people’s careers into college, tingles with furry red covers from London, drummers being the heart of the group, tingle tapping from Russia with love, cuddly koala’s from down under, cuddly Californian teddys….and other friends who are really talented love and kisses from me x

The grey skies of England with love…. 

and the birds still sing…….

Stephen on Crime 

stand and deliver…. Dick Turpin Highway Man

Corazon, mente y alma con Esteban parte uno….

Revelation, Stephen and oh! God bless…..

being pulled under by the ones that don’t like you…..

Stephen and the sound of silence…..

diamond suspended in space for meditation concentration….

The show must go on (my recording from 2019)

Stephen recalls being chased whilst out jogging

Stephen, rain and a bit of Genesis…..

green shield stamp saving book

green shield stamps catalogue shop

green shield stamps 1960’s catalogue……mp4?dl=0

Stephen and Friends make it back to the Eagle ….2

Stephen and Friends make it back to the Eagle …..1

 ‘aay up me duck’ 

Orville the Green Fluffy Duck

That 70’s Show where Everyone has a go behind the wheel…..


 Abba memories with Stephen

In 1992,Annifrid  Lyngstad married German Prince Ruzzo Reuss von Plauen, and they remained married until he passed away in 1999.


Ringer Relief

Tensile Decompression

dinger….where you can feel the vibrations all the way down 


Pain relief

chiropractic spine meter

Back in the year 2,000 the Late Rev Steve Hill was the first preacher I seriously listened too….

I discovered people who were serious about Jesus Christ….

mercy seat sang by Charity James, where you can come into the presence of Jesus without fear….

it was quite an experience back then in 2000, sitting on the sofa, very socially isolated as a carer of very poorly family members, with Rev Hill pointing his finger at you on the t.v. screen and crying for you to give your heart too Jesus, and well at the time I did get on my knees in front of that satellite God channel tv. running to the vhs recorder to record a sermon by Steve entitled SURE…..and although Hill had been in and out of the penitentiary, where you either do one of two things, find Jesus Christ or not, what I was thinking at the time was ‘can people find Jesus who have never been through the penal justice system?’ and the answer is Yes you can! RIP! Rev. Steve Hill, remember that Jesus will always love you….God bless


Very, Very High Class…..

absolutely beautiful…….

Surviving with Friends…

Science and Relaxation with Stephen..

The Northern Lights and friends….

The Penny Drops by Stephen…..

Stephen veers off on a tangent…….

Stephen’s Pick of the Pops 3 with special guest  ……..


……..’home run’

Into Oblivion with Stephen…..

Caravan DIY with Stephen….


Deep Relaxation with Stephen….

John Wesley…..

I’m standing where Charles Wesley once preached from, Knutsford Methodist Church  summer of 2019…….

Stephen’s pick of the pops 2 which is the WEEK when I was born march 1964 top ten hits……from no. 10 down to no 1…..

Stephen’s Love Testimony for Sabbath Sacrament Sunday 5th July 2020

Stephen’s pick of the pops 1

Baptism Day December 2018…..

Emelita and son’s baptism from the Philippines….by myself and Elder….

Dancin’ in the moonlight….

aristocratic beauty…..

Stephen plays live music and chats

Radio Caroline Tony Blackburn BBC Radio

Science in Seconds – Physics – Radioactivity

the uranium and plutonium alpha particles can’t pass through paper, extremely dangerous when breathed into body though……

Back at Mow Cop Castle after Lock down  Easing…..

loves remembrance outlasts all……..

space relaxation…

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